Group on Signal Hill

Group on Signal Hill
Back row: Avery, Kelsey, Ainsley, Patrick, Wylie, Erin, Ethan, Janiel, Larissa: Third Row: Tekowa, Anna, Audrey, Jerard, Andrew, Carl, Allie; Second Row: Elise, Aimee, Vara, Carolyn, Melissa, Morgan, Liz, Erica, JR; Front Row: Savitri, Brianna, Sharon, Lindsay, Andrea

Welcome to Our Blog


As anyone who has participated in this program will attest, there are no words or pictures that can begin to adequately capture the beauty of the scenery or hospitality of the people in Cape Town. Therefore, this blog is merely intended to provide an overview of the program and a glimpse at some amazing adventures and life-changing experiences had by the students and staff of this program who have traveled together as co-educators and companions on the journey. As Resident Director and Faculty Advisor since 2008 it has been a privilege and honor to accompany an incredible variety of wonderful UConn students to a place we have all come to know and love.

In peace, with hope, Marita McComiskey, PhD

26 February 2013

Audrey: reflections from Lion's Head

Avery, Vara, Carl and Audrey on Lion's Head
“Set your dreams where nobodies are…”

Imagine listening to these lyrics while sitting on rock on top of a mountain looking over the city you live in.  This was my life nearly an hour ago. It is a bit surreal to think less than two months ago I was sitting in my living room at home fighting the flu and nervously a waiting my departure to Cape Town and in two months I will be sitting back in my living room, god knows doing what. Everyone said it was going to fly by, it’s the classic line that you hear every time you are starting a new adventure in your life and every single time I disregard the statement.  And every single time with no doubt when the end is nearing I realize that yet again they were right and I was silly for not listening and I soon will be the person telling the next adventurers the same exact thing. My intentions was not for this blog post to talk about the time coming to an end because in reality I still have two months here but it is scary to think I have been here nearly six weeks. Luckily it is reminder to keep all my goals in mind and continue accomplishing them.

But back to the serene site I saw today. Everyone who has visited Cape Town told me it was a must to hike Lion’s Head on the full moon and for the first I listened to their advice. I cannot be happier about it. The most miraculous thing to me was the amount of people that come together to see such a normal thing but commemorate it like it is a rare event. Then while you’re enjoying the company of others you realize you are capable of watching the sunset completely and the moonrise all from one spot. It seemed to me that every color was encompassed in this event within a matter of an hour from reds and greens and yellows to blues and black. It makes you feel unbounded; like you can choose any path in life, do anything you ever wanted and it will all work out. A feeling that is hard to shake off after having. It seems as if this is also a reoccurring feeling while here in Cape Town that has allowed me to grow mentally, socially, academically and professionally. It has shown me that it is okay to stray off the path I have made myself. Although still a scary thought and something I will continue to think about I believe that my time here in Cape Town has allowed me to continue my search in a simple and non-rushed way. The feeling a limitless will now forever be represented by my time on Lion’s Head.

As the song ended with…

“There’s no end, there is no goodbye.
On Lion's Head at full moon Audrey gazes out into forever

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