Group on Signal Hill

Group on Signal Hill
Back row: Avery, Kelsey, Ainsley, Patrick, Wylie, Erin, Ethan, Janiel, Larissa: Third Row: Tekowa, Anna, Audrey, Jerard, Andrew, Carl, Allie; Second Row: Elise, Aimee, Vara, Carolyn, Melissa, Morgan, Liz, Erica, JR; Front Row: Savitri, Brianna, Sharon, Lindsay, Andrea

Welcome to Our Blog


As anyone who has participated in this program will attest, there are no words or pictures that can begin to adequately capture the beauty of the scenery or hospitality of the people in Cape Town. Therefore, this blog is merely intended to provide an overview of the program and a glimpse at some amazing adventures and life-changing experiences had by the students and staff of this program who have traveled together as co-educators and companions on the journey. As Resident Director and Faculty Advisor since 2008 it has been a privilege and honor to accompany an incredible variety of wonderful UConn students to a place we have all come to know and love.

In peace, with hope, Marita McComiskey, PhD

02 February 2013

Morgan confronting how she's changing

This past week has been pretty intense. On Thursday we went to the Politics and Government (basically history) of South Africa class- which was super interesting and amazing, but the second class we went to was with our professor, father figure, and friend Vernon Rose where supposedly we would be talking about our internships, but the discussion turned towards deep and meaningful questions. What really struck me in class was when Vernon began asking about our families and if we had spoken to our families, what their reactions were to our experiences, etc. One of my fellow co-educators brought up the fact that he/she had not spoken with her family at all while here because she didn't know how to talk to them. And this really struck with me because I felt the same way. I'm naturally an avoider, I avoid my feelings, I avoid conflict and I've been avoiding speaking with my family and my friends. I speak to them occassionally, a daily text here and there, but I'm coming to realize as we get deeper and deeper into this experience, and I come to see and understanding and be shocked by a greater number of circumstances and issues, I don't know how to talk to the people back home about it. It scares me because I know most people at home are in their same situations, generally thinking about the same things and looking at their experiences through distinguished and personal lenses…lenses that don't have very much reason to change. And that is why I'm confused and don't know how to talk with them- because my lens is changing every day as I experience new things and I don't know how to talk about it. I know I'll figure it out, but first I need to figure out how I'm reacting to what I'm experiencing.

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