Group on Signal Hill

Group on Signal Hill
Back row: Avery, Kelsey, Ainsley, Patrick, Wylie, Erin, Ethan, Janiel, Larissa: Third Row: Tekowa, Anna, Audrey, Jerard, Andrew, Carl, Allie; Second Row: Elise, Aimee, Vara, Carolyn, Melissa, Morgan, Liz, Erica, JR; Front Row: Savitri, Brianna, Sharon, Lindsay, Andrea

Welcome to Our Blog


As anyone who has participated in this program will attest, there are no words or pictures that can begin to adequately capture the beauty of the scenery or hospitality of the people in Cape Town. Therefore, this blog is merely intended to provide an overview of the program and a glimpse at some amazing adventures and life-changing experiences had by the students and staff of this program who have traveled together as co-educators and companions on the journey. As Resident Director and Faculty Advisor since 2008 it has been a privilege and honor to accompany an incredible variety of wonderful UConn students to a place we have all come to know and love.

In peace, with hope, Marita McComiskey, PhD

10 March 2013

Brianna making new friends and reminded of family back home

This weekend, Jerard invited a couple of us to go to a Braai at his co-workers house. After arriving back from the beach earlier that Saturday, we had to quickly get dressed for the event in very short time. Colleen, the woman that Jerard personally works with, had come to pick all five of us up from our house to bring us to her Braai. Of course, I was so excited not only to try amazing home-cooked food (which is always the best), but excited to be around the company of friends and family.

When we arrived to her home, we introduced ourselves to the company that had already arrived. While some were in the kitchen beginning the preparation of the foods, others were outside by the braai pit. Meeting everyone was so much fun, conversation was so flowing and I wasn’t interviewed with questions, I just felt a part of the environment I was in.

 I have to say, this experience definitely made me think of my family back home because when it’s the summer, we barbeque at parties, and there is never an official end time to anything, we just go when we feel that the day is done. Also, my family makes everyone feel very welcomed and we often invite close friends to family functions very often. There’s no exclusion, everyone is always welcomed and I really appreciated Colleen inviting us to share food and memories with her co-workers, friends, family, and community.

When I walked outside, there was a huge table set up with snacks and an open backyard and all the kids played games while Snook and other traditional foods were being cooked. Basically, from start to finish, there wasn’t a point that we didn’t have food in front of us. This also made me think of home because there is always an abundance of food! To speak briefly about the food, it was so tasty! The Snook was so tender and flavorful and on top of all the foods, Colleen made Curry towards the end of the night.

Throughout the party, I had some of the best conversations, surrounded by the best of people. We met this one woman that was a fashion designer. She explained to us that she learned from her mother how to sew and work with clothing because her mom worked at a factory when she was growing up. She passed on her skills to her and her passion was born. She was so prideful of her career, and was even personally wearing a shirt she made (as well as Colleen). I loved that she totally pursued a career because she was passionate about it. I feel as if back home, people are often discouraged to pursue careers that seem hard to make something out of. Usually these careers are ones that fall within the arts, but she made it work. This gave me all the more motivation to do what really makes me happy, whatever that may be.

As the night was slowly coming to an end, we decided to dance and then eat Curry! Therefore, we kept the party going! But after we all enjoyed the last hour of the company, we gave out our hugs and walked to the car. As Colleen reversed in the driveway and drove out, I rolled my window down and waved to the group of people that decided to come outside from the house to say goodbye to us. I really hope that memories such as that don’t end, and that somehow I will see them again but regardless, I know that experience will always have place in my heart.

Brianna, Janiel, Larissa, Wylie, Ainsley, Allie

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